Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 7, 2015

Filter Cake My Chanh Quang Tri filter cake.

There is a very rustic cakes are not picky, and inexpensive but who once enjoyed the classes end very distinctive taste of it. Tapioca pudding is a very popular dish in Quang Tri. Quang Tri people eat bread with filters, especially the guy is like biting the lips of virgin daughters.

Filter cake Chanh carry a unique flavor made by grinding up the little old cassava sour smell and concentration. The cake was small but contained both a personal philosophy and the harmony of the culinary arts. "Small cake to eat when served platter people always feel small, will eat up not tired from the first glance. Ie food not overwhelming, overpower man "- the village people sharing. Dishes of fake, turn, tasty but characterized Quang Tri is for that reason. US Filter Cake is made from pure Chief of cassava - a popular crop here. Fillings are made from many different materials such as pork, chicken, shrimp, green beans. But delicious and consistent than last remains fresh shrimp shredded pork marinated, fried ripe. To make a pie delicious and soulful difficult. It depends on the skillful hands, lips know from comments made. Over time, these small cakes and down the North to the South, but still intact form, his ancestral material.

As different types of bread, tapioca pudding made small and leaf pack. Do little to move out tray when people eat always felt that it is less, will not be bored eats first sight. Ie food not overwhelming, overpower man. It is art, is the philosophy of culinary harmony Quang Tri. The cake from cake to cake nậm dirt, little cakes ceiling, casting ... are just eating bread with spicy chili sauce thinned truth without even served with other vegetables as savory.

Tapioca pudding small, transparent display of bunting and red meat slices served with green pepper au, spicy countless but one has to remember every start. Peel finished cake dough holding always straight countless dot filter cup chili sauce into the mouth to bite rùi dilute the exposure. For all the pieces in, drank more pieces more spicy sauce, crunchy chew delicious, nostalgic eat ko bored because no fat fine flour powdery dirt cake, pie or cake nậm casting. Human salty crunchy shrimp also not quickly bored eating like green bean cake at the ceiling.

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